Thaumaturgy Rank 4

Thaumaturgy Rank 4
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Thaumaturgy Rank 3, 75 Power Points, level 7
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 4:

Spell Verbal: I Pierce the Veil of Force and Energy to

  • …Identify Magic        10 Power Points      Instant
    • This spell will reveal to the caster all the magical properties of an object. Out-of-game, this requires that either the caster sees the item’s card, or that a Marshal has the information to give to the caster. If you have cast an Identify Magic spell on an item, then you know how to use it and can teach someone else how to use it.
    • In addition, if cast on a person, the spell will reveal all the information gained by a Know your Magic spell and what rituals are cast upon a person directly and what they do. If the person has a magic item that is giving them the benefit of some ritual, such as Ritual of Defense, the spell will not reveal such.
    • This spell will never tell the word to any kind of ward or any other key word an item may have.


  • Identify Your Curse        10 Power Points        Instant
    • This spell will reveal to the caster the type and effect of all curses upon the targeted character. For example, if the character has been cursed by an Eforie to stutter and suffers from werewolf lycanthropy, this spell will reveal that the character is a werewolf and stutters because of an Eforie curse. This spell will not reveal the source of the curse.


Thaumaturgy Rank 1
Thaumaturgy Rank 2
Thaumaturgy Rank 3
Thaumaturgy Rank 5

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